Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your products?

There are 3 stages of production; pre production, production and post production. My pre-production included online research where I used;
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To research other title sequences and also to upload my final film and annotated version.

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I used myspace to research music artists and to email 16bit for copyright permission.

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To research ratings and work out the rating for this film.

For production I used a Samsung SMX-C10GP and a Velbon tripod. I learnt how to shoot shots from different angles and how to tilt and pan with the camera.

Post production:

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Vegas Pro 8 is the editing software I used to edit my film. It was the first time I had used this software and I learnt how to add and edit sound, create titles, import clips from the video camera and also how to arrange the clips.

Created the titles and added key framing to give effects.

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This site was used to find fonts for titles in my film.
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Upload my final film and annotated version.
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Where all my work and planning is.

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