Tiverton Studios presents a teenage drama about the struggle of living on the streets. We plan to create a gritty British drama focusing on key teenage issues, which teenagers can relate too, in order to achieve the desired feelings targeted towards the 14-26 age group.
It follows the life of Liam, a young male aged seventeen who seemed to have his life already worked out, and on the right path. Unfortunately, everything comes tumbling down and Liam is left alone with nothing.
As the story unfolds, we see Liam battle through everyday life on the streets. The struggle for money, food, water and a warm place to stay pushes Liam down a rocky road of drugs, crime, and unhappiness.
Sam Leach is attached to play Liam. He has an energy and vulnerability that is essential for the lead.
It follows the life of Liam, a young male aged seventeen who seemed to have his life already worked out, and on the right path. Unfortunately, everything comes tumbling down and Liam is left alone with nothing.
As the story unfolds, we see Liam battle through everyday life on the streets. The struggle for money, food, water and a warm place to stay pushes Liam down a rocky road of drugs, crime, and unhappiness.
Sam Leach is attached to play Liam. He has an energy and vulnerability that is essential for the lead.
Will Liam's unstable and damaging life continue on the streets or will his life of luxury he was previously living come and rescue him?
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